babyfoto's laten maken Limburg (9)

Baby photographer Maastricht

Time of day

If the newborn is a maximum of 1-2 weeks old, and he or she is still very small and exactly can be laid in the form he was in your belly. Heat your home or children's room, and make some nice accessories ready (bears, different outfits, beautiful blankets). Get plenty of daylight, but preferably no direct sunlight.


Provide matching clothes for you and your baby (ton-sur-ton and soft colors are the most beautiful) wear preferably plain clothes with no busy patterns and certainly not black. Make sure that you yourself also looks great so there can be taken a few pictures together, possibly with dad there. Make sure the baby's skin is well covered, so you don't see little sheets on the skin. It's always nice to also take some pictures of your naked baby, please take steps to ensure that no accidents happen when the little has to pee accidentally.


In winter it is best in terms of light between 10:00 to 14:00 hours. In summer, a photo shoot of your baby is basically all day possible, provided it is not too hot. Schedule the baby photoshoot after the bottle so your baby is a bit sleepy. Adjust the photo shoot to the beat of your baby.

Technique & Tips

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Photo of sibling

It is certainly possible to also take along some photos, but keep in mind that the beautiful pictures of your baby takes time and should be done in peace. A sibling (especially when it is about 2 years old) will take some time from your baby reportage, so make choices in there.


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